Time to Come Home

You can do it! It is not hard to do the right when you have the Lord on your side.

Far better than living in a halfway house somewhere between God and the world.

And far too often you then slip on down into the miseries of the devil's camp.

I plead with you: Take this opportunity to break loose ­and come out Be done with mediocre meaningless living uncertain as to what eternity holds for you.

Come over to the cleft in the Rock, and crawl in. There is only room for a little child inside.

There you will find the peace of heart you have always wanted. It is worth any cost. And what do you set aside? Things not really worth keeping.

And what becomes yours? The sweetness of being close to your Father.

Isn't that what you have always wanted?

Deepening Your Walk with God

"If you will seek the Lord and be converted every day; if you will of your own spiritual choice be free and joyous in God; if with gladsome consent of heart to His gracious call you come wearing the yoke of Christ, —the yoke of obedience and service, —all your murmurings will be stilled, all your difficulties will be removed, all the perplexing problems that now confront you will be solved." —Mount of Blessing, 101

"And Jesus called a little child unto Him, and set him in the midst of them. And said, Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever shall humble himself as this little child, the same is great­est in the kingdom of heaven." —Matthew 18:2-4

This is how the redeemed will live with God in heaven. Why not start now? Do you dare wait till later to begin the deeper walk?

Choose the first circle around the throne. Why settle for less than the best? Do you really know of a better way to live?

Besides, you are not being selfish in choosing the best. You will please your kind Father, and help those around you. By your example, they will be more likely to choose the better way also. Isn't this why you are here?

What do you have to lose? Complacency; cherished sins; busy nothingnesses; and, deep down, a lot of emptiness in your life.

What do you have to gain? A lot; a far happier, meaningful life for you and for others. —And, oh, how you will please God, if you really get serious about Him!

This book tells you how to do it.

"If we would give more expression to our faith, rejoice more in the blessing that we know we have,—the great mercy and love of God,—we should have more faith and greater joy. No tongue can express, no finite mind can conceive, the blessing that results from appreciating the goodness and love of God. Even on earth we may have joy as a wellspring, never failing, because fed by the streams that flow from the throne of God.

"Then let us educate our hearts and lips to speak the praise of God for His matchless love. Let us educate our souls to be hopeful, and to abide in the light shining from the cross of Calvary. Never should we forget that we are children of the heavenly King, sons and daughters of the Lord of hosts. It is our privilege to maintain a calm repose in God.

" 'Let the peace of God rule in your hearts; . . and be ye thankful.' Colossians 3: 15. Forgetting our own difficulties and troubles, let us praise God for an opportunity to live for the glory of His name. Let the fresh blessings of each new day awaken praise in our hearts for these tokens of His loving care. When you open your eyes in the morning, thank God that He has kept you through the night. Thank Him for His peace in your heart. Morning, noon, and night, let gratitude as a sweet perfume ascend to heaven." — Ministry of Healing 252—253





Symbols of the Relationship

Children of the Father

Deepening the Walk

Basic Principles

Through the Portals

When in Danger of Slipping

Finding it Again

Is the Deeper Walk a Necessity?

Additional Symbols

Others Who Have Gone before

1 — Enoch

2 — Jacob

3 — Joseph

4 — Moses

5 — Solomon

6 — Elijah

7 — Daniel

8 — John the Baptist

9 — John

1 0 — Martin Luther

11 — Ellen White


Spirit of Prophecy: Submitting the Will to God

Spirit of Prophecy: The Possibilities Held out before Us

Spirit of Prophecy: More Sweet Promises

Bible Promises for Those Who Draw Closer

1 — Pressing in

2 — The Children of God

3 — Sons and Heirs

4 — Walking with God

Spirit of Prophecy: The Father and His Children

1 — God's Love for His Children

2 — Adoption and Heirship

3 — Our Wonderful Father

A Spirit of Prophecy Blueprint for Coming to God

1 — Have You Been Converted?

2 — Evidences of Genuine Conversion

3 — Godly Sorrow Worketh Repentance

4 — Repent and Turn Away from Sin

5 — Put on the Wedding Garment

6 — He will Make You a New, Obedient Child

Spirit of Prophecy: Preparing for the Future


Questions, Answers, and Facts

More Questions and Answers

Postscript: The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength  


The power of this concept first came to mind in the summer of 1962, when I helped deliver my second child in a country farmhouse, and it strengthened over the following several months. The extremely close relationship of the infant to its mother seemed to match several passages in the Bible, which compared God's people to chil­dren who could throw their whole weight of bur­den upon the Lord. At the time, with no finan­cial backing, I was preparing to begin the Great Controversy radio broadcasts, and needed such encouragement.

It was obvious that the concept involved a fabulous submission and closeness to God. In both the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy, I found indication that only a few of God's people seem to push in for the closer relationship with their heavenly Father.

Amid the passing years and the many per­plexities, which they brought, the concept dimmed somewhat in my thinking, but strength­ened in the early 1980s, as I began writing.

God was my Father and I was His little child. I must yield my life to Him, and obey and defend His Word, regardless of the conse­quences. Pilgrims Rest was the result.

As my children grew up and gradually left my home, the experience continued to deepen. All I had was God, and He was my wonderful Father in whom I could trust.

Surely, I thought, this concept could be no secret; for it is clearly presented in both the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. Yet I rarely heard a men­tion of it—either in sermons, books, or maga­zine articles. However, the test of time had, in my own experience, proved the concept to be a most solid one. One could, indeed, be as a little child with His heavenly Father! A deeper rela­tionship was possible! This was especially con­firmed by the fact that, over the years, I had found no other approach to God as sweet, close, and strong.

At this crucial time in history, how much God's people need the strength, which the closer relationship imparts, to boldly defend God and His Word in an evil. scoffing world.

The general silence on the subject eventually caused me to think: Could it be that I am like the two lepers outside the walls of Jerusalem, who, having found a rich treasure, suddenly said, "We cannot keep this news to ourselves; we must share it with others" (2 Kings 7:3-10) !

So here it is. If you wish to save time, set this book aside; simply read Matthew 18:2-4 and do it. The whole message is there. Why should there be anything startling in the concept? The prob­lem arises in entering the experience and main­taining it. It is not done very often. Yet anything God asks of us, in His enabling strength, can be done.

The smaller we acknowledge ourselves to be, in our relation to God, the more fully we are likely to submit to His plan for our lives; and the more willing we will be to study His Word, obey His Inspired directives, and defend Him.

Why? Because this concept enables us to enter a fuller reality: We are as nothing in the universe; He is everything. All we have and are is to be given to Him. Yet this can only be real­ized as, in utter humility, we fall before Him and accept and acknowledge the truth: We are His little children.

And Jesus called a little child unto Him, and set him in the midst of them. And said, Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

"Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven." —Matthew 18:2-4


This volume is not intended to be theologi­cal. It is practical, providing information you can begin applying to your own life immediately.

.Do you want a deeper experience with God?

. Do you want an ongoing walk with Him?

. Do you want to overcome besetting sins?

 . Do you want the sweet peace of oneness, which the relationship can bring?

There is a way it can be done, and it is en­tirely Biblical and in full agreement with Spirit of Prophecy counsels. The reason it works so well is twofold:

. First, it is the way God wants you to relate yourself with Him.

 . Second, this relationship with God brings together the various phases of Christian concepts and objectives needed in your every—day life. It can do this because it is the most basic and fun­damental aspect of Christian experience.

This book is not the presentation of a dry theory, but a personal life experience practiced for many years.

The present writer searched for a closer walk with God, and —in one way far more than any other —he found it: the relationship with God described in this little volume. What you will find here is the result of extensive Scripture study, applied to personal experience. The result is a simple, practical way to live closer to God.

The plan of this book is to rather quickly introduce you to this key, and then afterward expand on it by showing how it is connected with other aspects of experience and to God's Word. Truly, there is nothing complicated about the matter. Indeed, you will probably say, "Well, I knew this all along." However, the key to suc­cess is more than knowing about it. It is mak­ing this attitude the consistent foundation of your contacts with God.

If this little volume helps you do that, it will have fulfilled its mission.

Some walk closer to God, and some walk a little more distant. Some are fervent while others are more staid. Yet both may sincerely love and serve God and, in His strength, obey His law. Let none say that others will be lost because they do not seem to have a certain depth of experience. This is not for us to judge.

Why then seek the closer walk discussed in this book? Each can choose for himself. Some will want it. For those who do not, this book is not for them.

"If you call God your Father, you acknowledge yourselves His children, to be guided by His wisdom and to be obedient in all things, knowing that His love is changeless. You will accept His plan for your life. As children of God, you will hold His honor, His character, His family, His work, as the objects of your highest interest. It will be your joy to recognize and honor your relation to your Father and to every member of His family." —Mount of Blessings 105



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